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Fernando Branco

Do energetic structures exist that do not deplete your energy? It turns out that they do. One is the wave of fortune, or a set of circumstances that are favourable to you personally. Every individual has their own wave of fortune.

Sometimes you are lucky with something and then a whole cascade of other pleasant events unfold unexpectedly as if the sun had really chosen to shine on you.

A cascade of pleasant events may not always follow the first, but if the first sign of good fortune pleased you and lifted your spirits then a cascade of the same will definitely follow.

The ‘wheel of fortune’ and ‘bluebird of happiness’ are not simply abstract metaphors. The wave of fortune is really a set of lifelines that are auspicious for you personally. The Space of Variations contains everything, including lines like golden veins than run through the information field.

If you have found the outer line of a golden vein and catch onto a piece of good luck, you can glide by inertia on to other lifelines where events of a similar nature are accumulated and a new set of fortuitous circumstances awaits you.

If however, the first piece of good luck is followed by a streak of bad luck, it means that a destructive pendulum has managed to hook into you and draw you away from the golden vein.

  • The wave of good fortune brings happiness without taking your energy.
  • It can be compared to a sea wave that carries an exhausted swimmer onto the shore.
  • The wave of fortune will carry you onto happy life lines.

Like the pendulum, the wave has no interest in your fate, but it has no need of your personal energy either.

If you want to, you can float with the wave and let it carry you but if you do not want to go with the wave it will pass you by with no regret.

The wave of fortune is a temporary formation, it does not feed on the energy of other beings and so eventually fades like sea waves breaking upon the shore.

The wave of fortune sometimes touches your life in the form of good news, it brings information from other life lines, in comparison with your current life line, the resonance of the information is perceived as good news.

The task is to grab hold of the rope and pull yourself onto the life line that the information originated from, for there you will find not just good news but fortuitous circumstances also.

You do not actually have to make a huge effort to ride a wave of good luck, it is a question of choice, if you accept the wave of fortune into your life it will stay with you or if you allow yourself to be influenced by a destructive pendulum and become immersed in its negative energy you will be distanced from the wave of good fortune.

The bluebird of happiness will happily peck grains from your hand, you do not have to catch the bird, but neither must you drive it away, this is one of the most paradoxical aspects of the freedom of choice, people really can choose happiness and success for themselves and yet at the same time remain restricted by pendulums that lead them away from the wave of fortune.

To claim freedom of choice you must be independent. You have the right to be free of the influence of other people’s stereotype pendulums.

Photo by Chris Charles on Unsplash

Über den Autor:

Self Development Trainer
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