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Fernando Branco header
Fernando Branco

The pendulum (Egregore) grows in power according to the number of human beings feeding it, Examples of pendulums are political parties, religious groups, multi nationals organisations, sports teams, races, countries, families....smaller pendulums eventually get taken over by more powerful greater ones, creating ever larger magnetic fields that we refer to often as the system or collective consciousness

The very relevant point to note from the foregoing is that when a pendulum reaches a certain maturity it goes completely autonomous and because it is an energy angry aggregate thought/emotion form, it turns to the creators for maintenance at all costs, by living off their energy.

All human beings are, in some way or form, connected to a variety of Pendulums (magnetic fields). A pendulum can be either negative or positive, depending on the quality of vibration or frequency of it's creators thoughts and emotions.

The only way that one can be rid of a negative pendulums is to affiliate with a beneficial positive one towards you. Perhaps with care we could together create a beneficial all serving pendulum using the technology of Reality Transurfing presented to us by the Russian author Vadim Zeland.

Let me have your thoughts and opinions feel free to comment. 

Love Joy Abundance


Rent Yourself Out…(do not identify with).

A pendulum is created by the energy of a group of people thinking in the same way.

A pendulum is an energy based information structure. A pendulum maintains the thought energy of the adherent at its own vibrational frequency.

A harsh battle for adherents takes place between the pendulums. A destructive pendulum forces goals onto its adherents that are not of their own making.

A pendulum plays on human emotion, thereby catching the individual in their web. If there is something that you really do not want it will appear in your life.

To free oneself from a pendulum means to give it no place in your life. To give something no place in your life does not mean to try and avoid it; it means to ignore it.

To bring a pendulum to rest you have to change the established stereotype game script. Positive visualization will gently bring the swing of a human pendulum to rest.

The energy of a stilled pendulum becomes available to you. Problems are solved by awareness, stopping the pendulum that created them. To solve a problem, rent yourself out.

To avoid getting stuck in a suspended vacuum state, you choose your own pendulums.

It is essential to acquire the habit of remembering to stay awake to what you know as beneficial for you..



Pendulum also known as “Egregor”

  1. 1. Meme - 
    Cultural idea, social practice, conceptor action that becomes a norm and begins to repeat itself consciouslyin a society (term coined by Richard Dawkins in his book The Selfish Gene 1976) (Babylon English English translator software)
  2. 2. Meme - 
    A thought that spreads through society taking a life of its own (rhymed with cream) - The Condensed Net Glossary (Babylon software)
  3. 3. Meme - 
    meem/ n.[coined by analogy with 'gene', by Richard Dawkins] an idea considered as a replicator, especially with the connotation that memes parasite people into propagating them much as viruses do. 
    Used especially in the phrase 'meme complex' denoting a group of mutually supporting memes that form a generalized belief system such as a religion. 

Über den Autor:

Self Development Trainer
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